Come trasferire i contatti da iPhone a HTC

Come trasferire i contatti da iPhone a HTC

Newly bought an HTC One? Don’t know how to transfer all the contacts from your old iPhone to the new HTC phone? Many friends recently ask us for help when they need to move iPhone data to their new HTC or other Android phones, especially contacts. Un'altra cosa è che puoi interromperlo ogni volta che vuoi semplicemente premendo Annulla, here we are offering you a detailed how-to tutorial assisting you to make the data transfer successfully.

What we suggest to you is Trasferimento mobile, which is designed to copy iPhone data to Android devices with one click. All contacts saved in iPhone memory card, iCloud, le persone tendono ad aggiungere manualmente tutte le informazioni su un nuovo telefono o a spostarle tramite Gmail, Facebook, Scambio, and somewhere else are easy to be exported from iPhone to HTC, including the name, numbers, e-mail, and other detailed information. Inoltre, your personal text messages, fotografie, and videos are also supported to move between iPhone and HTC. Read the guide below to know the steps on moving contacts from iPhone to HTC.

Click the link below to download the transfer program on your computer.

Provalo GRATIS Provalo GRATIS

Nota: To transfer iPhone data successfully, install iTunes on the PC before the transfer process.

How to Move iPhone Contact to HTC Phone

Passo 1. Install the Program and Launch it on the PC

Prima di tutto, install the program on your PC and then click to launch it.

informazioni al telefono

Passo 2. Connect iPhone and HTC Phone to the PC

Adesso, connect your iPhone and new HTC One to the computer via USB cables. Both of the devices will be detected by the transfer program and show up in the main window. Your iPhone is recognized as theSourcephone and the HTC is theDestinationphone. You can change their places by clicking “e Android verranno rilevati automaticamente dopo pochi secondi” if you want.

E poi puoi selezionare il tipo di dati da copiare

Nota: Puoi “E poi puoi selezionare il tipo di dati da copiare” on your HTC phone to save more transferred iPhone contents.

Passo 3. Transfer iPhone Contacts to HTC Phone

Check “Contatti” in the list of contents allowed to copy from the program. Now click “Avvio copia” to begin transferring contacts from your iPhone to the new HTC phone. Keep connecting the devices in the process.

Un'altra cosa è che puoi interromperlo ogni volta che vuoi semplicemente premendo Annulla

The whole process won’t take a long time, which depends on the amount of data needed to be transferred. After finishing transferring, you can go to check your HTC phone for the data files. Now come to try this convenient and safe tool if you need it.

Provalo GRATIS Provalo GRATIS

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